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The Texas Judicial Commission on Mental Health

Our Mission

The mission of the Judicial Commission on Mental Health is to engage and empower court systems through collaboration, education, and leadership, thereby improving the lives of individuals with mental health needs, substance use disorders, or intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD).

Our Inception

On January 11, 2018, the Supreme Court and the Court of Criminal Appeals held a historic joint hearing to gather input on the need for and the priorities of a statewide judicial commission on mental health.

  • State and tribal judges
  • Law enforcement
  • Veterans
  • Juvenile services experts
  • Psychologists and psychiatrists
  • Persons with lived experience with these systems

All provided valuable insight at the hearing and voiced unqualified support for the creation of a statewide judicial commission.


The Judicial Commission on Mental Health (“the Commission”) was created by a joint order of the two Courts on February 13, 2018 to develop, implement, and coordinate policy initiatives designed to improve the courts' interaction with - and the administration of justice for - children, adults, and families with mental health needs. On April 11th, the two Courts issued the Order Appointing the Judicial Commission on Mental Health. The first meeting was held on May 15th in Austin.

Friends of Texas JCMH

JCMH Partner Organizations

Sheriff's Association of Texas logo

Texas Justice Court Training Center logo

Texas Conference of Urban Counties logo

Texas Council on Family Violence logo

Hog Foundation for Mental Health logo

National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Texas logo

Texas Juvenile Justice Department logo

Logo of the State of Texas Crisis Intervention Team

Seal of the Texas Commission on Jail Standards

Texas Center for the Judiciary logo

Seal of the Texas Judicial Council

Texas Workforce Commission logo

Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers Association logo

University Health System logo

Texas Department of Criminal Justice logo

Seal of the Texas Office of Court Administration

The University of Texas at Austin Dell Medical School logo

Texas Tech University logo

Texas Association of Counties logo

Lone Star Justice Alliance logo

Texas Health and Human Services logo

Seal of the Texas Municipal Courts Education Center

Texas Children's Commission logo

Texas Council of Community Centers logo

Texas Education Agency logo

Meadows Mental Health Policy Institute

Texas Indigent Defense Commission logo

Texas Access to Justice Commission logo

Texas Medical Association logo

Refugee Services of Texas logo