In 2021, the Texas Judicial Commission on Mental Health created a four-year pilot program to fund a Court Liaison in two counties. Grayson and Denton Counties were selected from a robust application process that evaluated counties based on readiness and need. The goal of the pilot is to minimize waitlist times by creating a court staff position focused on developing innovative pathways and quicker options to prevent decompensation of individuals awaiting restoration or other intervention to increase the judiciary’s connection to diversionary and treatment resources.
The Liaisons in the selected counties have focused on increasing the connection between the courts and resources, ensuring compliance with Texas mental health laws, and, ultimately, increasing community safety, saving counties money, and improving the courts’ response to individuals with mental illness or intellectual disability.
JCMH Court Liaison Pilot Program Goals and Results
What Problems are Addressed by the Court Liaison Pilot Program?
What do Court Liaisons Do Day-to-Day?
What Results Have the Pilot Counties Seen?